dream about drugs spiritual meaning

Last Updated on August 2024

Dr. Sigmund Freud believed that dreams about using drugs are often show a desire to escape or a need to deal with strong feelings.

Today in this article we will try to take a closer look at what it could mean when you dream about using drugs, and explore different possible meanings and the emotions that might be hidden behind these dreams.

The Symbolic Meaning of Dreaming of Doing Drugs

dream about doing drugs meaning

Dreams about doing drugs can have contradictive spiritual meanings that go beyond their literal interpretation. In a list below we included the five most common aspects of the symbolic and spiritual meaning behind dreams about doing drugs:

  1. Self-Control: The dream might show an inner battle between temptation and self-control. It can reflect the decisions and struggles we deal with in real life, telling us to resist bad influences and make choices that match our best selves.
  2. Subconscious Desires: Dreaming about using drugs could also mean that we want to escape reality or hide certain feelings from the world. It may suggest a need for self-reflection, encouraging us to find healthier ways to handle challenges.
  3. Seeking Transcendence: Drugs in dreams can represent a desire for different states of mind and wanting to reach spiritual places. This may show a longing for greater wisdom.
  4. Shadow Exploration: Drug use dreams can be a call to face our dark sides and unresolved problems. They may draw attention to self-destructive habits or buried emotions, pushing us to recognize and heal these parts of ourselves.
  5. Symbols of Transformation: Dreams about drugs can be strong symbols of rebirth. They may point to a need to let go of stuck energy, bad habits, or attachments. Just like drugs change perceptions, these dreams tell us to welcome change.

Dream Scenarios Featuring Doing Drugs And Their Interpretation

Dream Scenario Meaning Interpretation Tips
Nightmare: Overdosing on Drugs The dream may symbolize feelings of overwhelm, powerlessness, or a sense of being out of control in waking life. Reflect on areas of life where you feel overwhelmed and seek to regain a sense of control. Explore healthy coping mechanisms to address stress or challenges.
Using Drugs with Friends This dream scenario might represent a desire for connection, camaraderie, or a fear of missing out (FOMO) in social settings. Examine the quality of your relationships and identify any underlying feelings of isolation or social anxiety. Seek opportunities for genuine connection and find activities that bring fulfillment and a sense of belonging.
Hiding or Sneaking Drugs Concealing drug use in dreams often reflects feelings of guilt, shame, or secrecy in aspects of your life. Reflect on areas where you may be harboring secrets or engaging in behaviors that conflict with your values. Explore the reasons behind these actions and consider seeking support to address the underlying emotional issues.
Being Offered Drugs Being offered drugs in a dream can symbolize external influences or temptations that could lead you astray from your intended path. Reflect on the potential negative influences or distractions in your life. Look for ways to strengthen your resolve, resist peer pressure, and stay focused on your goals and values.
Watching Others Use Drugs Observing drug use in a dream may suggest a need to distance yourself from negative influences or toxic relationships. Evaluate the impact certain people or situations have on your well-being. Consider setting boundaries, seeking healthier connections, and surrounding yourself with positive influences.

Positive Meanings

drugs in dreams

Dreaming about using drugs could mean you want to escape or need a short break from stress and worry. Sometimes, it might symbolize a desire to try new things, seek excitement, or break free from boring routines. It could also represent a subconscious exploration of different states of mind or an attempt to understand other viewpoints.

Negative Meanings

subconscious drug experiences

Dreaming about doing drugs can have bad meanings, showing possible worries and problems in your life. It may suggest an unhealthy dependence on substances or a battle with addiction.

  • This dream points to a potential desire to escape reality by using drugs to cope. It could also mean feeling out of control or being swayed by bad influences.
  • It might symbolize a need for self-destructive actions or a warning about possible legal troubles.

In general, this dream indicates a troublesome relationship with substances and stresses the importance of dealing with these issues in a responsible and healthy way.

Why you Might Dream of Doing Drugs

There are several reasons why you might dream about doing drugs, which can point to possible underlying causes.

  1. It could happen because of personal experiences or being around drug-related situations, showing how your environment affects you.
  2. These dreams might suggest unresolved emotional or mental health issues, hinting at a desire to escape or self-medicate.
  3. Dreaming about doing drugs could be a warning sign, representing a deep-seated fear of addiction or an inner battle with temptation.

In the End

Dreams about using drugs can have various symbolic meanings and interpretations. They could symbolize wanting to escape reality, a wish to try new things, or a warning against dangerous habits or situations.


  1. “The Dream Game” by Ann Faraday, Pantheon Books, 1974.
  2. “Dreams: A Study of the Dreams of Jung, Descartes, Socrates, and Other Historical Figures” by Marie-Louise von Franz, Shambhala Publications Inc., 1987.
  3. “Man and His Symbols” by Carl Gustav Jung, Dell Publishing, 1968.

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